
Awkward First Post + Owls!


I'm Saskia and welcome to my first art blog, something I've been meaning to start for quite a while now. I've always been slightly apprehensive about the idea of actually showing any art work I've done to people; so starting something online seemed like a good antidote for that! That's sort of the point of this: posting my work for the world to see-- or, well, whoever stumbles across this place!

Ah, good old first post awkwardness.

I'll be aiming to post a mixture of drawings, paintings, photographs and possibly some 3D-ish type work, but, to start off with, here are two sketchy owl pastel/chalk drawings that I did yesterday:

From photos, because sadly no owls were available to pose for me at the time, or at least not unless I paid them a lot. In mice.

So, hopefully I'll manage to post here on a regular basis, and I would love and appreciate greatly any comments or feedback on how to improve!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Oh these are very good, I often draw owls too. I'd love to see some more of your art, do you have a flickr.
    You've inspired me to show some of my art online too, thank you xx.

  2. I am very much looking forward to see what work you'll share with the internet! These owls are pretty amazing, aren't they such inspiring creatures?

  3. Gosh, I didn't expect comments so soon!

    - Emily, thank you! I'll be posting more of my art to this blog very soon - I don't have a Flickr but I am planning to start one up! Having looked at your lovely blog I would love to see some of your art work! :)

    - Heleen, that's so nice of you, thanks! I love owls, they really are inspiring, the variety of shapes and sizes they come in, and the way they seem to have little personalities that come through in photographs and pictures - I'll probably be doing a lot of owl art in the future! (Your blog is lovely, too!)
